
Henry & Peters is pleased to announce the following new staff hired recently

Amber Ferguson joined the Henry & Peters Tyler office on May 25th as Accounting Assistant in the Accounts Payables department. 

Kayla Goodson re-joined Henry & Peters Tyler office June 6th as Staff Associate in the Accounting Solutions department. 

Donna Reid joined the Henry & Peters Tyler office June 6th as Staff Associate in the Accounting Solutions department. She has 20+ years of experience with her last position as Finance Manager. 

Quincy Ariza joined Henry & Peters Tyler office June 6th as Staff Associate in the Tax/Audit department. He’s worked for Darrell’s BBQ & did sales for Cricket Wireless. He graduated from Stephen F. Austin where he majored in Accounting. 

Alexandra Villalon joined the Henry & Peters Frisco office June 6th as Staff Associate in the Tax department. She graduated with from Colorado Christian University and believes her passion is tax!